Friday, March 21, 2014

Updates on Web Calendar - Dolls and Wings!

Been working much behind the screen and my eyes have made it clear that I need to take more breaks.  I am always relieved when I get the bulk of pr task out of the way.  With the Cafe, there is always media to get out.

It has been somewhat quiet with the annual spring exodus of  students.

Good to have a few surprise visitors, stopping in while in town to get a little tea or to re-stock on the beer jelly.  Technology has kept me away from the kitchen, but I must get in there soon, or the jelly shelves will be pretty bare!

Sign up has begun for classes.  I will be adding other dates to the calendar.

*Sign up for Arts IN as soon as you can.  Do something different with your friends, family or date night!  These small group creative arts activities are surprising and fun.  Some people like them so much, they schedule in at least one Arts In session in a month.


If you haven't had a chance to see Leslie Rodgers dolls, get in before the month ends.  If you are a lover of work with thread, or embroidery, these dolls are a real treat.  Each time I am with them, I notice a little bit more.  So much delicate, yet elaborate painting with thread!

Just updated the Cafe Calendar with information about upcoming "A Force of Nature" paintings by Joanne Shank

This exhibit plans to display a new expansiveness in Joanne's work, a blend of traditional Chinese ink painting techniques and the nature of watercolor.

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